5 Simple Things You Can Do to Celebrate World Earth Day
Every year since 1970, the world has united on April 22nd to celebrate Earth Day. Not only is it a day to appreciatie our planet. It's also a day of action to protect the environment for future generations. This is something that's important to us here at solace. Both our stainless steel jewellery and packaging, for example, is sourced to be as sustainable as possible. And whilst we know we need to respect our planet 356 days a year, we think Earth Day is a pretty good way to start making some noise and changing out habits for good. Here’s 5 easy ways you can do that at home.

Plant Your Own Tree
If you have a big enough garden, planting a tree is a direct way to give back to the environment. They help clean the air, give off oxygen and even collectively help to decrease temperatures. If you don’t have space for a tree, then plant a small patch of your own veggies instead. Not only will you save yourself a bit of money at the supermarket but you’ll also be doing your bit to cut down on fuel emissions as there’s no need to transport them anywhere.
Watch and Read-Up About Environmental Issues.
The more you know, the more you can do to protect our planet. There are tons of great documentaries out there (the one everyone’s talking about at the moment is Netflix’s Seaspiracy) that are full of eye-opening information about the way our world works.
You could even check out our blog on sustainable women’s fashion from earlier this year. Amongst many other things we explain why stainless steel earrings are a fantastic sustainable alternative to gold or silver as the production of the material is much less harmful to the environment. It’s also long-lasting and fully recyclable.
Invest in Reusable Utensils For When You’re on the Move
Single use plastic is still one of the major problems impacting our environment. Most of it ends up in landfill and poses a serious threat to wildlife. And it’s plastic utensils like straws and takeaway cutlery that make up a significant amount of this pollution.
The good news is that there is a now a wide variety of reusable cutlery designed to slip into your bag easily. From stainless steel straws to bamboo knives and forks, there’s plenty of options out there that mean you never have to use a plastic chip shop fork again.
Go Plant-Based for the Day
It’s a sad fact that animal agriculture creates a huge amount of greenhouse gas, making it one of largest contributors to climate change. Using Earth Day to try a plant-based diet may inspire you to do this more regularly. Even cutting out meat one or two days a week can make a big difference.
Get Involved Online
From April 20-22, earthday.org will be hosting a whole range of online events for you to take part in. There’ll be workshops, performances and messages from Climate Leaders across the world. Head over to their website or social media platforms to get involved.